Hello members,   The École Polytechnique massacre in 1989 remains a haunting moment in our Canadian history. Fourteen women pursuing engineering had their lives, dreams, and hopes stolen from them through an act of senseless violence, steeped in gender-based discrimination. This devastating incident shook our nation, shedding light on the deep-seated…

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November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – and the start of the Global 16 Days Campaign, also known as the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals experience violence every day due to their gender, gender expression, or perceived…

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This Labour Day will mark the 496th day ACTRA has been shamefully lockout by the Institute of Canadian Advertisers (ICA). Our sibling unions across the border, SAG-AFTRA and the WGA, are on strike. Our industry is at a crucial moment in time. Workers’ rights and the power of collective mobilization is more important than ever. 

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This Friday, the Alliance of Canadian Cinema Television Radio Artists (ACTRA) will hold a solidarity rally in support of striking Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and Writers Guild of America (WGA) members. 

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SAG-AFTRA went on strike, taking on the studios just as we were invited back to the NCA bargaining table by the ICA. The good news is that the media interest over the SAG-AFTRA strike has allowed us to shine an even greater spotlight on our lockout. We have done many interviews on all forms of news media outlets (radio, broadcast news, etc.). With each opportunity, we highlighted that ACTRA members have been in a 16-month illegal lockout by the ICA. We will keep doing our due diligence in taking advantage of every platform to get the message out. 

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