TORONTO (April 14, 2023) – The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) has been provided with a statement from the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA) regarding renewals and dormancies. The ICA asserts that ACTRA has changed its position regarding renewal and dormancy requests for commercials made under the NCA by agencies that have locked out ACTRA Members.
Contrary to the ICA’s statement, ACTRA has not changed its position in any way.
With respect to locking out engagers and commercials coming out of dormancy, ACTRA’s position remains that we request that performers and agents decline dormancy and renewal requests from locking out engagers, unless the agency is willing to sign an agreement reinstating the National Commercial Agreement (NCA). Any commercial that comes out of dormancy, we will file a grievance with no penalty to the performer.
This has been ACTRA’S position since the lockout commenced, and it will remain ACTRA’s position until such time as an agreement is reached with the locking out agencies.
ACTRA encourages any member or agent who has been approached about a renewal to contact their local branch for consultation.
About ACTRA:
ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 28,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.
Carol Taverner, ACTRA National Public Relations Officer: