Gantry 5 Framework is the powerhouse behind the Akuatik theme

SAG-AFTRA went on strike, taking on the studios just as we were invited back to the NCA bargaining table by the ICA. The good news is that the media interest over the SAG-AFTRA strike has allowed us to shine an even greater spotlight on our lockout. We have done many interviews on all forms of news media outlets (radio, broadcast news, etc.). With each opportunity, we highlighted that ACTRA members have been in a 16-month illegal lockout by the ICA. We will keep doing our due diligence in taking advantage of every platform to get the message out. 

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August 1st is a day of reflection, education, and a recommitment to solidarity with Black communities across Canada. It marks how the sacrifice, bravery, and unwavering devotion to community broke through to create real change, fuelled by the power of people that tirelessly fought for freedom and equity. We invite you to learn more about Canada’s history of enslavement and segregation, and its lasting impacts, which are still felt by members of Black communities today. 

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Watch as ACTRA National President Eleanor Noble, and ACTRA’s NCA Bargaining Committee give members a video update on this week’s bargaining in Toronto.

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TORONTO (13 juillet 2023) – Les 28 000 membres de l’ACTRA à travers le Canada se tiennent fermement solidaires avec la SAG-AFTRA et de ses membres dans leurs efforts pour obtenir une entente juste et équitable. « Nous reconnaissons que leur combat est notre combat et qu’il est pour le…

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TORONTO (July 13, 2023) – ACTRA’s 28,000 members from across Canada stand in steadfast solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and its members in their effort to achieve a fair and equitable contract. “We recognize that their fight is our fight and is for the good of all performers,” said Eleanor Noble, ACTRA…

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