ACTRA members,

The following is an update from the AFC to members in their October Newsletter:

October 2023

We’re putting a temporary pause on accepting new applications for our Emergency Financial Aid Program.

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ACTRA condemns in the strongest terms the brutal violence against innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians and extends our deepest condolences to the families of the victims.  While this conflict is taking place on the other side of the world, we are saddened to see people from these communities losing their…

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TORONTO (October 4, 2023) – L’alliance des artistes canadiens de la télévision et de la radio (ACTRA) et L’Union des artistes (UDA), qui représente les artistes interprètes œuvrant en français au Québec et ailleurs au Canada, sont solidaires et s’unissent dans leurs efforts respectifs visant à obtenir une rémunération et…

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August 1st is a day of reflection, education, and a recommitment to solidarity with Black communities across Canada. It marks how the sacrifice, bravery, and unwavering devotion to community broke through to create real change, fuelled by the power of people that tirelessly fought for freedom and equity. We invite you to learn more about Canada’s history of enslavement and segregation, and its lasting impacts, which are still felt by members of Black communities today. 

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Watch as ACTRA National President Eleanor Noble, and ACTRA’s NCA Bargaining Committee give members a video update on this week’s bargaining in Toronto.

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