Tell us how to find you!

It is your responsibility to make sure you keep your contact information up to date with ACTRA. There are a number of ways to update your contact information – pick whichever is easiest for you!

  1. You can change your own information (including your address, agent, phone number, etc.) by using ACTRA’s Membership System. Log-in using your USERNAME and PASSWORD;
  2. Complete the Address Change/Update form and include it with your dues payment OR e-mail your changes to;
  3. In person at your local branch office;
  4. Your agent can update your profile in for you, if you provide them with your log-in information to access your profile.

FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? Go to the ACTRA Membership System. Click on the “Regenerate Username and Password” and you will be taken to the “Recover/Create Password” page where you will be asked for your ACTRA ID #, e-mail address on file with ACTRA, and your date of birth. Your login information will automatically be e-mailed to you. You can also get your password reset by contacting Service Desk at 416-489-1311 or 1-800-387-3516,

E-mail is important
ACTRA regularly communicates important information by email. If you don’t have an e-mail address, you are at risk of missing important deadlines.

To update your contact information, please click here.